
To Your Multidimensional Reality

Your life is the greatest adventure. Discover the realms of possibility, inner freedom, and profound joy within you.

The most remarkable project of your life is learning, claiming, and loving your multidimensional self.

 Experience the exquisite pleasure of being fully in your body.

  • Unite with your inner knowing and truth; claim your internal authority.

  • Transform your lack of self-worth into worthiness and abundance.

  • Shift your self-judgments into self-care and self-love.

  • Weave your feminine and masculine energies together with your soul.

  • Discover freedom - escape feeling trapped, expand into joy and pleasure.

Become the person you've always dreamed of being.

Work with Dr. Cynthia

Private Mentoring

My work reveals the vastness of your truth.

Participate in your conscious evolution by transforming your cells, DNA, and neural patterns while connecting to your soul frequency.

Take Your Next Step

Individual Sessions

Embark on the thrilling, fulfilling, joyful voyage of self-discovery.

The journey of awakening is clearing out everything that is not you and expanding into everything that is you—a joyous process of deepening into your being.

Uncover why you are on Earth, reinvent a new you, and envision a better world for all.

Discover more here

Bursts of Expansion

Expand your life and business to align with your truth and authenticity.

For leaders, path breakers, change makers, and entrepreneurs ready to make a difference but feel something is holding you back.

Bursts of Expansion are custom-designed packages of sessions and support to move beyond your fear and address the topics and issues you are currently facing. 

The pleasure of embodying who you are is the most exciting adventure of a lifetime.

Discover more here

Experience the freedom to be yourself!

  “Working with Dr. Cynthia is like stepping into a world that you didn’t even know existed. It is of this body and yet reaches into unknown realms allowing the dots to be connected in new ways and fundamental shifts in reality to occur. With Cynthia’s help, I’m now living a new reality and a new life filled with abundance and love. Thank you!” -Jean Marie ~ Vancouver, B.C. Canada

 “My experience with Cynthia was amazing, a deep and yet light filled experience which brought me back to a true remembrance of who I am, who I was, and how to bring this aspect of me into the fullest embodiment. I highly recommend her sessions.” - Alison.