The 12 Dimensions of Reality
and Your Soul Circuitry
I invite you to use this guide to activate your Soul Circuitry and to explore your consciousness, body, and life in 12 dimensions. Embark on this exciting process to discover more of who you are.
The 12 Dimensions of Reality
We each have low-frequency fear and shadows along with high-frequency gifts and superpowers on all dimensions. The process of healing, living in more joyful abundance and love is to clear the low frequencies and amplify the higher frequencies.
OVERVIEW: How the dimensions show up in your life.
(For more information, keep scrolling.)
1st Dimension – ENERGY: from surviving to thriving
2nd Dimension – SAFETY: from violence to safety
3rd Dimension – SELF-ACCEPTANCE AND LOVE: from self-hatred to self-love
4th Dimension – BOUNDARIES: from unconscious to conscious
5th Dimension – INDIVIDUALITY AND COMMUNITY: from conformity to uniqueness
6th Dimension – AUTHORITY: from outer authority to inner authority
7th Dimension – CREATIVITY: from mind-manipulation to creativity
8th Dimension – VALUE AND SELF-WORTH: from poverty to prosperity
9th Dimension – COSMIC AWARENESS: from invisible to cosmic consciousness
10th Dimension – INNER MASCULINE: from unhealed to healed inner masculine
11th Dimension – INNER FEMININE: from unhealed to healed Inner feminine
12th Dimension – EMBODIMENT AND FREEDOM: from victim to self-mastery
The 12 Dimensions and Your Neural Circuitry
“Your Neurology Creates Your Reality”
The external fear-based reality we live in is established on the shadow frequencies of greed, lust for power, and fear of death, and connects to the Childhood Circuitry.
The mainstream unconscious and conscious foundation is fear and the shadow.
We have 40 conscious nerve impulses per second and 40 million subconscious nerve impulses per second. It is clear that our unconscious programming runs the show.
You are programmed with the dreams, demands, and fears of others—your parents, society, and culture. The generic, standard issue Childhood Circuitry is in place by the time you are seven and runs your life until you consciously change it.
Your Childhood Circuitry holds the fearful low-frequencies and shadows that block the light of who you are. Trauma keeps undermining your best intentions.
Your shadow ensures that you become your own worst enemy. In this state, you are the victim of your neurology. Thus, your neurology squishes, sabotages, or makes your hopes, dreams, and creativity wrong.
The good news is that your neural programming, corrupt DNA codes, and toxic thought patterns can all be transformed with your conscious intention.
Disconnect from the low-frequency neural programming of your Childhood Circuitry and connect to your high-frequency multi-dimensional Soul Circuitry.
Your Soul Circuitry is based on the specific blueprint of your soul essence and holds your brilliance, gifts, and superpowers.
Your Soul Circuitry is the foundation to connect with and embody your brilliant, loving, multi-dimensional self.

There are three layers of your Soul Circuitry on the first 12 Dimensions of Reality.
The first layer of your Soul Circuitry is the Motherboard, responsible for your life’s inner workings.
1st Dimension – ENERGY: from surviving to thriving
Childhood Circuitry = Survival: Exhausted, sucked dry, others come first, depleted. Worn out. Life is about struggle.
Soul Circuitry = sustainability, an abundance of energy flowing, vitality, joyous thriving. You flourish and blossom. Your energy supports your dreams.
2nd Dimension – SAFETY: from violence to safety
Childhood Circuitry = War, violence, sexual abuse, and racism. Unsafe, unprotected, hide, and shrink to fit in. Self-sacrifice. “They did it to me. Look at all I did for you.” You beat yourself up and abuse yourself.
Soul Circuitry = Physical safety, the inner war subsides. Emotional safety, the nervous system relaxes. Mental safety to express your thoughts. Sexual safety. Internal security, the safety to be exactly who you are and live your dreams.
3rd Dimension – SELF-ACCEPTANCE AND LOVE: from self-hatred to self-love
Childhood Circuitry = Negative judgments about yourself. Self-hatred, self-disgust, sickness, addictions, and weight problems. Feel unlovable. “I’m too fat, skinny, tall, short, ugly, etc.” You feed your fears.
Soul Circuitry = Love your flaws into wholeness, self-acceptance, health, self-love, and self-care. You feed your dreams.
4th Dimension – BOUNDARIES: from unconscious to conscious
Childhood Circuitry = Personal & collective unconscious, subconscious fears, trauma, generational wounds, and suffering. “Why me? What did I do to deserve this?”
Soul Circuitry = Create boundaries and expand into more of who you are. Heal the trauma and become conscious of who you really are and what you’ve lived through.
It is safe to love your deep wounds, claim your energy, and love yourself.

The Dream Builder is the magical second layer of your Soul Circuitry. The Dream Builder holds your ability to co-create a new reality based on love through connection, creativity, inner authority, and vision.
5th Dimension – INDIVIDUALITY AND COMMUNITY: from conformity to uniqueness
Childhood Circuitry = feeling abandoned, unloved, separate, and divided. Can’t trust others. Diminish yourself to fit in. Abandon yourself for others. Disconnected from nature. “I’m all alone. I have to do it all myself. I support everyone else; no one supports me.”
Soul Circuitry = your weird, eccentric, unique self and viewpoints are seen and celebrated. Unity consciousness, experience all that is. Connected to nature. Be who you are and be associated with a loving supportive community.
6th Dimension – AUTHORITY: from outer authority to inner authority
Childhood Circuitry = External authority, others show the way. Dogma, doctrine, guilt, shame, depression, anxiety, inner doubt and uncertainty. Deny your essence and soul. “My soul isn’t mine.”
Soul Circuitry = Self-trust, inner knowing, gut wisdom, inner soul authority, and power. Stand your ground. Claim inner authority. You own your soul. Love the depths of your soul essence.
7th Dimension – CREATIVITY: from mind-manipulation to creativity
Childhood Circuitry = Mind-manipulation, brainwashing, propaganda, mind-control, advertising, news. Your inner critic runs rampant. “My art, writing, etc. isn’t as good as… My creations are crappy.”
Soul Circuitry = Unique creativity and seeing the world, joyous play, imagine your new life. Your creations are the expression of your soul and don’t resemble anyone else’s.
8th Dimension – VALUE AND SELF-WORTH: from poverty to prosperity
Childhood Circuitry = worthless, inner poverty, unacceptable, unworthy, inadequate. In the fear-based hierarchy, you have little value, you are a replaceable cog in the money machine. “I’m not good enough. I’m not worthy. I have no value.”
Soul Circuitry = self-worth, valuable, abundant, sustainable resources. Dream Builder, you have the money, resources, and connections to create your dream reality. Inner Architect, you create your reality from the inside out.
Your uniqueness shines in a generous, supportive, loving community as you claim your inner authority and creativity to build the life of your dreams.

Inner Freedom, the third layer of your Soul Circuitry, holds your ability to embody all aspects of who you are, gain true freedom, and experience profound happiness.
9th Dimension – COSMIC AWARENESS: from invisible to cosmic consciousness
Childhood Circuitry = feel alien, foreign, unusual. Limited 3D self-concept, hide gifts, become invisible. “I’m too weird for anyone to know and see the real me.”
Soul Circuitry = cosmic, connected to the stars, galactic roots, magical superpowers. Expand into celestial self. Claim your cosmic wisdom, galactic inheritance, and hidden knowledge.
10th Dimension – INNER MASCULINE: from unhealed to healed inner masculine
Childhood Circuitry = Patriarchy, male supremacy, greed, domination, and control. Men are superior to women. Arrogant, critical, stuck in his head, emotionally unavailable. “The man, the Father knows best.”
Soul Circuitry = charts the direction, hits the mark, has your back, loving, protective support. In service to the feminine. Creates the boundaries that follow the feminine flow.
11th Dimension – INNER FEMININE: from unhealed to healed Inner feminine
Childhood Circuitry = Stuck in victimhood, waiting to be saved, afraid to trust others, compromises her integrity and values, and squishes her energy, emotions, and power to survive. Women are second-rate. Intuition is inferior to logic. “Everyone else comes first. My needs come last.”
Soul Circuitry = vulnerability, open to receive; flows in her full power, force, and pleasure. Births a new life, projects, and reality through love, generosity, and joy. Holds the keys to evolution and transformation. Nurturing and fierce. Stands up for herself and others.
12th Dimension – EMBODIMENT AND FREEDOM: from victim to self-mastery
Childhood Circuitry = Holds a template that scrambles your brain, leaving you feeling helpless, hopeless, and trapped. Can't distinguish the artificial and victim consciousness from your soul source energy. Deception and lies. Disconnection from soul and self. “I am a hopeless, helpless victim. Nothing will ever change.”
Soul Circuitry = holds all dimensions of you, clarity arises, your soul source energy flows freely, and you claim your neurology, body, self, soul, brilliance, and power, leading to sovereignty, inner liberty, and internal freedom. Self-mastery, connection to soul self on all dimensions.
Your magical superpowers merge with your healed masculine and feminine in joyous delight as you journey ever deeper into your inner freedom and self-mastery.

You have the power to consciously change your neural programming, DNA, and unconscious programs. Your DNA is waiting for you to input the right codes. When it receives your instructions, it will run the new program and build your new body, life, and reality. The higher the frequency of your DNA rises, the greater urge you will have to use your brilliance in service of the whole.
The journey to happiness, living your dreams, and inner contentment is to shift from your Childhood Circuitry into your Soul Circuitry.
You are brilliant, amazing, and powerful. You have a one-of-a-kind, unique combination of gifts, superpowers, inner knowing, and wisdom to share in the birthing of a new you and humanity. As you claim and embody more of who you are, your light reaches further into the cosmos creating a new reality for yourself and all beings.
Use this guide to explore who you are on multiple dimensions. Magical awakening occurs as you dive deeper into your soul essence. For more information please read The Inner (R)Evolution: Trailblaze Your Luscious New Reality.
Dive in Deeper for Greater Results
The fear of the unknown, the fear of change, can be overwhelming. You may feel stuck, not knowing what to do.
Apply for YOUR DREAM - A 6-month private mentoring program to rewire your body, change your nervous system, and release corrupt DNA codes. As your body and neurology transform, you learn the transformation tools to use in your life and your work. New possibilities and opportunities open. Clarity arises. Your life unfolds in profound, magical ways.