Terms from The Inner (R)Evolution Book
Bottom Sludge: Bottom Sludge holds the Nasties: inner critic, self-sabotage, violence, hatred, and fear. Suckers and Takers, also found in the Bottom Sludge, are pathways or energetic patterns that consciously or unconsciously rob your energy.
Childhood Circuitry: Wired in your body by the time you are six, your Childhood Circuitry runs your life until you rewire your body to your Soul Circuitry. Your Childhood Circuitry is based on other people's ideas and beliefs about you and how you should live.
Corrupt DNA Codes: Our corrupt DNA codes contain the despicable aspects of society, and create disease, while sexual abuse and violence patterns pass from generation to generation. In addition, the DNA code is prone to damage and mutations due to errors in DNA replication, free radicals, and radiation.
Dream Builders Layer: The second layer of the Soul Circuitry comprises 5th through 8th dimensions. Dream Builders birth the new reality through inner vision, love, and resources, including money.
Fear Bot: The Fear Bot is the hidden inner mechanisms that feed the corruption, violence, and fear that runs rampant today. Some internal aspects included in the Fear Bot are corrupt DNA codes, sabotaging neural programs, and the matrix. The purpose of the Fear Bot is domination, manipulation, and control, and it is known as patriarchy and the old paradigm.
Healing Angels: The angels work on all aspects of the Fear Bot. They have your back and keep you safe and protected, a 9th dimension technology available to all. Anyone can call on the Healing Angels; you have direct access, and no intermediary is required.
Inner Freedom Layer: The Soul Circuitry's third layer comprises the 9th through 12th dimensions. This is where miracles, synchronicities, and connections to galactic families occur. Inner Freedom brings the cosmos' magic, wisdom, and mysteries into physical reality; they convey information to Earth to help create a new reality and a new human.
Language of Your Cells: All processes in the body are based on conversations and group decision-making among cells.
Language of Your Soul: Your soul communicates with your body and cells in its unique language.
Light Codes: Magical packets of information, or quanta, light codes, eat the old toxic waste. They also bring in high-frequency information necessary for your evolution and transformation.
Matrix: The matrix, a part of the Fear Bot, is an energetic rigid structure of reality, broken down into tiny cubicles that create feeling alone, separate, unworthy, unloved, and not good enough.
Motherboard Layer: The motherboard, the first layer of the Soul Circuitry, comprises the first four dimensions with stability, support, safety, and nourishment properties. Without this firm base and inner structure, the higher frequencies have nowhere to land.
Nasties: Nasties are despicable energies that sabotage, spread a lack of self-worth, and make us dislike ourselves. Similar to gremlins or goblins in fairytales that block the passageway to the treasures.
Neural Programs: Our lives are influenced by how our neural programs operate. Triggering any part of the neural program creates a chain reaction throughout the body.
Secret Flow: The Secret Flow is the highest frequency of each dimension. The Secret Flow, a transmission beyond words, clears old trauma and debris, ignites creativity, and lusciously soothes the body. The Secret Flow, found within, is the path to inner freedom, joy, and peace.
Soul Circuitry: The Soul Circuitry is the toroidal energy field framework for merging body and soul and remembering who you are. A multidimensional holographic living structure for the evolving human.
Soul Frequency: The unique signature of who you are, the frequency or wavelength of your soul that emanates through your body.
Soul Self: Your body connected on 12 dimensions to your soul creates your Soul Self, similar to your Higher Self.
Spiraling Radical Gratitude and Love: A process to shift lower energies by bringing in the high frequencies of gratitude and love.
Veils of Illusion: The Veils of Illusion expose the current paradigm underbelly and reveal the forbidden, behind-the-scenes programming that makes up modern society.

The Inner (R)Evolution
The Inner (R)Evolution
Uncover the magic and delight of embodying your soul essence.
Embark on the most spectacular ride of your life, your self-empowerment. The Inner (R)Evolution, a synthesis of forty years of clinical practice, provides an internal map and guideposts to awaken who you are in twelve astounding dimensions. Discover how to rewire your brain and nervous system, and reprogram your thought patterns.
The greatest secret in life is uncovering the truth of who you are. Gain the liberation to be in your authority, pleasure, and love.
This guidebook shows you the steps of inner transformation. Identify and release the sabotaging neural programs that trigger your feelings of unworthiness, being unloved or being afraid. Then, learn to use the multidimensional time-tested, proven Trailblazer Technologies to change your life and regain your self-worth, power, and body.
This book will help you experience joyous fulfillment; you emerge with a daring new vision of your life, work, and the world.