I’m Dr. Cynthia Miller
I’m a visionary, pathfinder, and explorer into the inner workings of our DNA, cellular programs, and neurological patterns. In 1985, I received a Ph.D. in Cellular Transformation and the Psychology of Change.
I’m also a global traveler, remote wilderness explorer, and planet Earth lover: author, multi-media artist, and evolutionary change agent.
Founder’s Story
In 1950, when I was four, my Dad left for 13 months to build the world's first H-bomb.
The first night he was home, while eating dinner, I saw a huge energetic bomb explode in the middle of the dining room table. I watched these little parts fall from the sky and mix into the soil, water, and inside the plants.
I had no words for what I was seeing, it was beyond anything I knew. I was trying to figure out how to get the stuff falling out of the sky out of the water and the inside of the plants. I couldn't figure it out, so I asked innocently my Dad, "Who will clean up the mess?"
He slid his chair back, stood up tall, pointed his finger at me, and sent me to my room.
Alone, scrunched in the corner, hugging my knees, I realized my voice was of no value because I was a girl and my job was to keep quiet.
Something snapped inside.
I wanted to figure out why people hate and kill each other and destroy the Earth.
I’m speaking up, my lifelong quest has come to fruition.
I've discovered the answer!
The answer is in our neural programming, cellular structures, and DNA. All the programs of hatred and violence are passed down in our lineage, embedded in our neural programming, and encoded in our DNA.
And, we can change all of that!
In 1973, after a near-death experience, a bolt of energy erupted out of the top of my head. In one breath, Shakti surged through my body, transforming my life to the core.
A rare, spontaneous kundalini awakening rewired my brain and nervous system and ignited my inner seeing and knowing. (Read more in my memoir)
This spontaneous kundalini awakening opened multidimensional seeing, inner knowing, and connections to other realms. Inner seeing, surfing through cells, riding neural programs, and detecting corrupt DNA, are all a part of the work I do to transmute the old and awaken consciousness.
I am here to help birth a new inner neurological reality; a major step in the evolution of humanity.
I’m a pathbreaker co-creating a new reality. My map, outlined in The Inner (R)Evolution, is a revolutionary model for conscious multidimensional evolution, that shifts your personal and global framework from fear and suffering into safety, awakening consciousness, and love.
“Dr. Cynthia, your work is the strongest I’ve found. I LOVE the irony too that your voice is so sweet, nice, and flowery yet the work being done is downright ass-kicking!”
- Adam Gainsburg Founder, Soulsign.com
I’m a dream builder. I love to assist people to live their dreams.
I will guide you through the vast unknown to connect with your essence, uncover more of who you are, and embody your unique contribution to the world.
This self-discovery leads to feeling worthy and experiencing profound love and connection, while joy radiates.
I would love to work with you!