
Interview with Katherine Zorensky of Living Tantra Podcast

We are standing on a precipice determining two fates for humanity. One is inclusive, fully dimensional, and new. The other is a descent further into our separation and fear.

Feel the possibility of moving beyond hierarchy into inclusion on all dimensions through this informative and inspiring conversation. 

Interview with Adam Gainsburg of SoulSign

In this fabulous interview, we discuss my latest book, The Inner (R)Evolution: Trailblaze Your New Luscious Reality. The greatest secret in life is uncovering the truth of who you are.

Embark on the most spectacular ride of your life, your self-empowerment. The Inner (R)Evolution provides an internal map and guideposts to awaken who you are in twelve astounding dimensions.

Interview with Adam Gainsburg of Soulsign

In this fabulous interview, we discuss my memoir, angels, my near-death experience and spontaneous kundalini awakening, trauma, DNA, transcendence, multiple dimensions, how gratitude works, and stories from my life.

Adam is masterful at getting to the core of my work in this interview.

Interview with Scott Perry of Creative on Purpose

In this fabulous interview, we discuss ways to made a difference in the world.