
Hi, I’m Dr. Cynthia

I’m a multidimensional guide who loves to assist women birth into a more expansive, abundant, joyful version of who they are.


Explore the new Self-Empowering Makeover. A special package of 3 sessions, to assist you in navigating the upcoming waves of change with greater ease and delight.

We are experiencing disorder, upheaval, and chaos at individual, local, and global levels while vast possibilities for the new burst into form.

Learn how to love yourself despite chaos, turmoil, and confusion.

Allow yourself to navigate this wild transition with joy, delight, and abundance

For this three-month journey, you will receive a Workbook with steps, tips, and ideas to make your journey more fun, magical, and powerful.

Part of the process is to create your intention and make a commitment to yourself.

When your mind and body realize you are in a three-month container, you can dive in deeper knowing you will get support for what is coming up. Your body can relax and let go in safety, connected to your earthly and cosmic roots.

To augment, integrate, and deepen your sessions, use your Workbook to create Your Self-Empowering Makeover Program.

In between each session, listen to the recordings as often as possible to gain more clarity and create greater change.

You are in charge of when you schedule your next session.

Three months to complete your sessions creates a safe container to hold your transformation, growth, and awakening. All sessions must be completed in three months; there will be no refunds.

Special Package of 3 Sessions

During the 3 sessions, we will clear out the old and make space for the new.

  • Gain stability and create a strong foundation.

  • Experience profound connection, safety, and deep nurturing.

  • Discover exciting new technologies to navigate the upcoming waves of change.

  • Be seen and heard.

Self-Empowering Makeover $1,500

Bring your multidimensional magic and weirdness to Earth.

We need Your brilliance!


One Session $400

 Discover more of who you are!

When you discover the truth of who you are, beyond the fears and unconscious programming, your life radically changes.

I guide people on expeditions into the unknown, deep dives into the vast interior of their being, past the fears, connecting to their essence, igniting purpose and passion.

Release and clear the blocks, neurology, DNA, and patterns that keep you limited, stuck, and afraid to expand into your full potential.

Discover who you are on multiple dimensions. Expand your life and business to align with your truth and authenticity.

Change can be scary

Growth in nature comes in spurts: the cracking open of the seed, the sprout bursting from the Earth.

Gain the momentum to break through into the new.

The deeper you dive into the process, the more incredible results you will achieve.

You decide how deep you choose to go and what you want to transform.

The results are up to you.

Explore working with Dr. Cynthia

During our Zoom session, in the comfort of your home, you are held in a cocoon of love and gratitude. From this safe space, we journey following your body's intelligence to discover hidden parts that long to be seen and heard.

Your intention points the direction; your body leads the way. We explore the hidden roadblocks, fears, and scary gremlins that try to detour your awakening.

Blocks dissolve, and ecstatic pleasure flows. Then, clarity arises, while hidden gems, wisdom, and insights reveal your next steps.

An empowering process that builds with each session to transform your inner and outer realities.

In your body's timing, a new you emerges. All of this transpires in your cellular structures.

Every session adds to previous sessions, each one unique, orchestrated by your body's innate intelligence.

Evolve into who You Dream of Becoming

You have the capacity, power, and authority to change your negative, self-sabotaging wiring, DNA, and thought programs.

Claim Your Body!

Experience the exquisite safety, joy, and delight of connecting to the circuitry of your soul. Connect to your cosmic roots to gain greater stability, inner delight, and exquisite safety.

What my amazing clients say...

Uncover Your Next Steps

Schedule a private session to uncover your next steps.

I light the way through the scary parts, fears, and blocks that keep you from exploring the unknown.

This empowering process builds to transform your inner and outer realities.

Your Next Steps:

  1. You will discover what areas need attention, love, and care—the internal work you need to do to open to receiving your dreams.

  2. The next external steps on your journey. Small daily steps create massive change.

Work with Dr. Cynthia

One Session - $400

Self-Empowerment Makeover - $1,500

 Frequently Asked Questions

Each session builds on the previous, clearing different dimensions and revealing more of your precious soul essence, truth, and freedom.

Work with Dr. Cynthia

One Session - $400

Self-Empowerment Makeover - $995