Hi, I’m Dr. Cynthia Miller
Claim Your Power!
Do you want more joy, delight, and inner freedom?
Deep inside, do you feel unworthy, not good enough, abandoned, or unloved?
Do you beat yourself up and make yourself wrong?
It’s your life, you can transform your fears, inner lack of self-worth, and self-denial. They aren’t the truth!
All the self-sabotage programs spread lies about you throughout your body.
It’s time to claim your power.
Become the author, artist, and creator of your life—your body is your canvas!
Our fearful, sabotaging unconscious, and unseen programming influences all aspects of our lives, relationships, and money.
It’s not your fault!
Not good enough, unworthy, unlovable… these are not the truth of who you are.
They are programs passed down in your DNA and neurology that have nothing to do with you.
Unconscious sabotage runs deep, messing up all areas of our work, relationships, money, and life.
The old paradigm needs our energy, fears, and programs of being unworthy, unlovable, of little value, and all the other lies passed down through the generations.
The patriarchal hierarchy reality feeds on our fears and insecurities to keep it functioning and expanding.
Passed down through our ancestry are lies that women are inferior, which goes deep into our neurology, DNA, and cellular structures.
The good news is that we have the power and the inner authority to transform our self-sabotaging neural programs, DNA, and cellular structures.
As you unwire the programs of self-hatred, never measuring up, and feeling messed up, deep pleasure flows, cascading into silky smooth pleasure, joy, and enthusiasm for life.
Direct your life energy to your passion and increase the current of your soul essence in your body.
Experience greater levels of inner freedom, fulfillment, and happiness.
What my amazing clients say...
Work with Dr. Cynthia
It's time to enjoy your life!
I would love to guide you into the magical depths of who you are:
Unleash your voice, wisdom, and inner knowing.
Escape the limited, squished, boxed-in, ill-fitting 3-D version of who you’re programmed to be.
Evolve into who you came here to be.
When you rewire your body, your life transforms. You live your soul's purpose with greater ease and joy.
The most remarkable project of your life is uncovering, discovering, accepting, claiming, enjoying, and loving all of the magical, otherworldly, weird you.
The Latest . . .
12 Ways to Upgrade Your Life
You have the permission, beyond your limiting beliefs, to create radical inner transformation and take back your energy, power, and delight. Read more
How Inner and Outer Transformation Work
Discover how to create a new life and reality based on your soul essence instead of the made-up reality of fear and limitation wired in your body. Read more
Women are Wired to Feel Inferior, Second-Rate, and Not Enough
You have the power to change the second-rate wiring in your body to accommodate the truth of who you are. Read more
Your brilliant light is beyond your wildest imagination, hiding the deepest treasure of all!
Your Guide,
Dr. Cynthia Miller
I am a dream builder. I would love to take you into the unknown to discover more of who you are; this inner freedom transforms your reality, both your inner world and outer life.
Release feeling unworthy, not good enough, and unloved; connect to your essence, ignite your purpose and passion.
Transform your fears, release and clear the blocks, neurology, DNA, and patterns that keep you limited, stuck, and afraid to expand into your full potential.
I am a multi-dimensional guide steering you through the rapids of life into a joyful new you and reality.