Being More than Human

It’s safe to come out of hiding.

Do you ever feel like you’re not quite human? Like you don’t fit in? Like somehow you’re different inside?

What if you’re a human plus something else? What if you’re one of the volunteers who came here to assist in birthing a new reality?

I’m one of the first waivers. The path breakers. A lonely path back then. But now there are so many more of us here on earth. People who carry star seed vibration, galactic frequencies, angelic energies, and multidimensional knowing. People who are more than just human. How many of us are there? Is this everyone? I have no idea. I’ve been hiding so long, I’m now beginning to find others like me

It’s now safe to come out of hiding.

I’ve discovered the more I acknowledge the multidimensional me, the easier it is to be human. Both exist at the same time, it’s the duality of being a separate individual at the same time and being connected to all is one.

It’s the connection between heaven and earth in our bodies. This is something that hasn’t happened before on a massive scale. It’s an awakening of humanity that’s new, never been experienced on this earth. At times it is scary, I want to retreat to the old because it’s known, but it’s not what I desire.

I long to expand, to have the experience of being fully me, the human me, and the multidimensional angelic, galactic, me. All of me together in this human form enjoying this life.

Taking down the walls of the boxes is scary. I compartmentalize myself to keep myself safe. I hid myself from me. Once the barriers are dissolved, my vast luminescence wants to be seen and acknowledged.

What parts of yourself have you hidden to keep safe? The coast is clear, it’s time to be seen. Give yourself permission to expand into a greater version of who you are.

The world is ready for your gifts. Imagine a huge puzzle where everyone has a piece to play. If you don’t show up, there is a gaping hole waiting just for you to fill.


Something Greater Exists


Changing DNA to Create a New World — Which World do You Choose?