A Virus Triggers The Great Awakening

Coronavirus is a catalyst for profound global change. We each have our part to play in creating the result.

We’ve been preparing for this time; we didn’t know what it would look like. Now that it’s here, it’s a bit shocking to see the global ramifications that are happening daily. We can stay in denial and fear, or we can have the courage to create something new and different. Create from our deepest heart, a profound inner knowing. Conceive something new that you came here to earth to build. We are evolving. It’s time to evolve our brains and our consciousness. This means bringing the unconscious fears up to be seen and cleared.

This is a personal and a global crisis. A global shift will occur, beyond our imagination. The old paradigm is collapsing and the new is emerging.

The virus feeds on fear

Your inner fear feeds the virus. Your love and gratitude starve and kill off the virus. How we respond will determine the outcome.

Take the necessary outward precautions, but more importantly, do your inner work. If fear pervades, the virus will spread like wildfire, destroying masses of populations. We have the opportunity to eradicate a level of fear from human consciousness. Fear is a low vibration. The high frequency of love and gratitude dismantles the fear; releases the old patterns and toxins, and raises consciousness.

Loving the fear requires bravery and courage. It takes guts to look at your terror, transmute it, and create a new reality. The amazing pleasure of expanding into your essence, sharing your heart, and spreading your vision far outweighs spending the rest of your life stuck in mediocrity, afraid to move forward. Listening to the doubts and self-judgments does not serve your life, and the world loses your contribution.

Use your time of isolation wisely

This is a global awakening, a time to stop and reflect, discover what matters to you.

What is important in your life? Are you living in alignment with the most important things/people in your life?

Isolation is triggering a lot of people’s unconscious fears and ancient patterns of feeling abandoned, unloved, or not enough. The isolation and possible lockdown can feel like you’re in jail. This is a reflection of the inner prison encoded in your body, the fear of not being worthy and not being enough.

Use this time for self-reflection. Release the clutter, all the unnecessary things in your life. Clear your inner clutter.

Get in alignment with your life purpose.

Make the internal steps to create the life and business you want.

Love yourself deeply

This is a time to love yourself deeply, love your lungs, your voice. Love your body. Love the blemishes and the parts that don’t work correctly. Love the inner crap you are carrying.

The more you love yourself the higher your vibration. Meet the fear and terror that resides in your body. Love yourself enough to claim your freedom and mastery and set an example for others. You will be doing your part to raise the consciousness of humanity. When enough people do this, a critical mass will be reached and humanity will shift.

We came here to assist

We’ve been waiting for lifetimes, eons, and decades. We came here to assist during this time of great transition. We had no idea what it would look like or how it would happen. We’ve seen visions of a radiant future for all, but looking out on the current global chaos, it’s easy to feel sad and confused.

We are in it. This is the first wave. We can ride the rapids of change with grace and love. Or crash and die.

Two realities

Two realities are emerging, the 3-D reality of pain, suffering, and karma, and the 5-D reality of filling the inner void with love and gratitude, which creates a wondrous world for all.

Don’t waste another minute; this is the time you’ve been waiting for, preparing for lifetimes, learning to navigate the way. Give yourself permission to be powerful and loving. Be on the cutting edge of the first wave. Protect yourself. Value your gifts. Love the core of who you are.

What little steps, small actions can you do to bring more love and joy into your life today?

What’s another step to take tomorrow?

Permit yourself to know what you know, all the secrets you’ve stuffed down to keep safe. Your secrets, precious gifts, and wisdom are safely hiding in places where no one would dare to venture. They are cloaked in yucky, slimy, fear. You have the key to your treasures. Give yourself permission to be powerful.

Use this time wisely. Don’t get distracted.

Claim your power.

Listen to your inner knowing. Discover your truth.

We’re in the great awakening now, it’s not next week, next month, it’s now.

What we do now doubles exponentially daily. Each act of love, generosity, and self-love ripples out into the world.

We’ve been preparing for the birth of a new paradigm. But first, the old needs to die, so the new has space to emerge. This virus is creating a global disruption. Old archaic systems are crumbling. The new arises out of the ashes of the old.

We are at a critical point

The actions we take today will determine the outcome of tomorrow. We can choose to be in fear, which feeds the virus, or we can take the route of radical self-care.

Let’s create a ruckus, transform your life, and be a catalyst to remodel global consciousness. We each have our unique part to play. Love yourself so deeply that your life transforms. Be the one you came here to be!


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