“Take back your body, mind, and soul. It’s YOUR life!”
We are led to believe that we live in an inner structure that is impossible to change. The truth is you have the power, beyond your limiting beliefs, to create radical inner transformation.
Your body is the canvas of your life. Take back your body.
Here are some things you CAN change:
1. Transform Your Body with Love. What happens when you love the gross and disgusting parts you hate about yourself? Give yourself permission to love at least one dreadful part every day. Thank it, love it. Invite yourself to let go of the hurt and pain.
It's your body, you can choose if you still want to carry the old. As you love your body, notice how your life becomes more joyful and fun.
2. Thoughts. The majority of our thoughts are passed down either in our lineage, culture, or in the collective unconscious. All the stories of how inferior we are, how unworthy we are, and how unlovable we are, are all lies.
The system, advertising, and the news all spread toxic tales of how shameful and sinful we are. It's been drummed in our heads for generations through eons of time, so we believe the falsehoods.
You have the power to discover your subconscious and unconscious thinking patterns and change them. It's time to uncover the truth.
Imagine your soul frequencies washing your brain clean, releasing old toxic residue, junk thoughts, and glitchy wiring. Thank your thoughts; go deep enough until they dissolve or transform.
3. Release the patriarchal hierarchy from your body. This ancient programming that women and people of color are inferior has been building for eons. It’s not the truth.
Patriarchy is wired into our bodies. The hierarchy of men on top runs all our lives through the collective unconscious, our neural programming, and DNA.
The made-up world of patriarchy is force-fed to humanity to benefit a few. It’s time to dismantle this vile programming and connect to your true essence.
4. Your Childhood Circuitry is in place by the time you are seven and stops developing. It's based on everyone else's ideas of who you're supposed to be and has nothing to do with who you really are.
The patriarchal hierarchy is wired into your Childhood Circuitry. Everyone functions from their Childhood Circuitry until they consciously make the shift into their Soul Circuitry.
Your Soul Circuitry is based on the blueprint of your unique soul. Your Soul Circuitry is in place in your body, but it's not activated.
Vast regions of your Soul Circuitry lie dormant until you activate them.
Invite your energy to connect with your Soul Circuitry and imagine you can switch on your Soul Circuitry.
5. Stop the inner frenzy. Fear keeps the internal running, incessant doing, and panic alive.
You can stop, take a deep breath, relax, and take time for yourself. When you take time for yourself, your body relaxes.
You feel safe, nurtured, and your cells feel loved.
A profound inner peace emerges when the internal war, sabotage, and shame dissolve.
6. The collective unconscious. 95% of the results in our lives come from the programming of the subconscious.
First, create inner boundaries to block off the collective unconscious.
Then, thank and release the fear lurking in your unconscious.
The solution is so simple that almost everyone misses it; love and gratitude. Thank and love the inner fears until they dissolve.
Every time you do that, you clean the toxic muck out of your unconscious, leading the way to amazing insights, joyous revelations, and delightful play.
7. Your brain contains at least eleven different dimensions of neural wiring. Instead of being confined to limited brain functioning, consciously connect all eleven dimensions of your brain.
Watch new insights, brilliant wisdom, and creativity arise.
8. DNA. Science confirms that we can shift our DNA with our intention and consciousness. You have the power to transform your DNA and create profound change in your life.
Corrupt coding wraps around the DNA causing pain, sickness, and distress. The corruption wound around our DNA influences our lives.
We can't stamp out the dishonesty on the outside until we unwind the corruption around our DNA. The graft shows up in governments, our food supply, healthcare, and medicine—all aspects of our lives. Meditation, prayer, and following teachers, none of these transform DNA.
As you send vortices of spiraling gratitude to your DNA, the old toxic residue dissolves, creating deep inner harmony.
Get out of the grind and into the flow. It starts in your DNA.
9. Microbiome. We are composed of 10% human cells and 90% microbiome; over 1 trillion microbiomes are alive in your body.
We feed our microbiome food, which gets digested and broken down into proteins, amino acids, serotonin, dopamine, and magical chemicals. They surge through our bodies creating moods, energy levels, and how we feel about ourselves—a complex dance creating depression, sickness, and anger, or joy, vitality, and happiness.
The choice is yours. Tune into your microbiome and see what food your body wants and needs, not what others tell you to eat.
These bacteria, viruses, and organisms have never been thanked. As you do this, your microbiome will produce more chemicals that make you feel good and happy.
The more parts of ourselves we get to know, explore, and bring to consciousness, the more exquisite the dance of life becomes.
10. Play. When you are having fun, more options and possibilities open. When you are afraid, the newer regions of your brain shut down. Your options seem to vanish and limited thinking takes over.
You learn faster when playing. It takes about 400 repetitions to create a new synapse in the brain but only 20-30 if it’s done in play.
It’s time to gather your friends and play!
11. Turn fear into excitement. When scared, drop down into your body, get out of your head. The masculine path is to feel the fear and do it anyway.
Allow your body to relax and get excited. The feminine path is to invite fear to morph into excitement. Get curious, allow your body to tingle, move around, and use the energy to create something awesome.
Feel the luminescent delicious flow surging through your cells, fascia, and tissues. Have fun transforming YOUR body.
12. Create a New World. The way to create the world we want is to start now and do it. Take a small step every day. Take time for yourself to reflect, relax, and enjoy life.
You can safely disconnect from the inner frenzy and connect to the delight of your soul. It's the feeling of innocence when we were kids playing—before we were programmed to become workers and cogs in the machine, to keep a few super-wealthy people at the top.
Go inside and discover who you are—past the horrors, terror, and despicable energies, deeper into the core of your soul essence. You will find that your brilliant light is beyond your wildest imagination hiding the deepest treasure of all! YOU.
Bring a little piece of your radiance back to your life. Make tiny adjustments about how you move, what you eat, or what you say. Notice the inner wiring shifting in your body.
The only change that makes a real difference is when you change inside. Shift your inner reality to transform your life and the world.
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Are you ready to dive in deeper and transform your life?
Check out the “Take Back Your Body” Private Mentoring Program.